I am quite obsessed lately with the following: Pinterest, zakka stuff, sewing and fabrics. That pretty much sums it up:)
I wanted to sew some fabric baskets for a long time, but I kept searching for patterns online, tips and tricks, details, details, so many details that I never really sat down and started the actual job.
So one day I said to hell with all the tutorials, I`m gonna sew my own basket; and I did. This is how it all turned out:)
This first one was ment to be posted in the shop in time for Valentine`s Day, for the idea came to me as an original "Would you like to be my Valentine?" proposal.
So everyone: "Keep calm and say Yes".
This one was inspired by the huuge mess I make whenever looking for the perfect ribbon. I never seem to find a really good organizing idea for it. So I pictured a small cute basket to have lying on my desk, to come in handy for collecting recycled ribbons.
Can`t get enough of these pastel colored letter beads. Can you?
This grey one, I must say, it`s my favorite. Maybe because was the first one, but mostly cause it`s soft grey with beige and I`m in love with neutrals lately.
The combination of rust and grey seemed perfect to me:)
Oh, and I just love texture contrast....even when it comes to fiber granulation, for me the felt/canvas association is pure bliss.
And of course, the letter beads, also in rust color:) This basket is for collecting your ideas, if you have to many to organize in your head, like I do ;)
Well, these are my first fabric basket - sewing projects, more to come as I feel inspired these days.
I`d love to know what you think about`em though....
And yes, these babies are for sale up in my Etsy shop, sooo don`t be a stranger:)
Oh, and the post says something about obsessive night sewing. That is because most of the ideas come to me in that period right before one falls in deep sleep, and then I have to get out of bed to write them down or I (for sure) won`t remember anything in the morning.
Sometimes is not just writing but sewing also, afraid I won`t remember exactly as I`d just dreamed it...
Did any of that sound familiar?